Telehealth Instructions

Out of an abundance of caution, we are moving all appointments to video or phone sessions. However, if you do need to meet in person, please contact Diane/Dr. Hughes to see if she can accommodate you. (This may or may not be possible depending on the circumstances.)

Contact Number: (404) 329-2050

(These instructions are subject to change as we evaluate the options.)

Video Meeting Instructions

In order to meet with Diane/Dr. Hughes via video chat please go to the following link and request to join the meeting there. As there is no formal waiting room, please do not attempt to join the meeting more than 5 minutes before your session. If you still have not been invited to the meeting 10 minutes after the start of your sessions, please text us at the number we have given you via email or contact us at the above number.

Alternative Link if above does not work:

If the urls above do not redirect you to the zoom app properly, use the information below to join the meeting using the join meeting button in the zoom application (not your browser.)

Meeting ID: 4776217009 Password: YX7odogINqOAZZByERtceFw3WpOZlZ.1

Technical Support

You may have to give the website permission to use your webcam and microphone. If you are having trouble audio feedback or trouble understanding Diane, please use headphones. This service should work on any computer, phone or tablet with a front facing camera. 
If you have any technical difficulties you can call the office support staff for technical assistance as Diane/Dr. Hughes will likely be with a patient when you are getting set up.

The number to reach the office support staff directly is:‪

(404) 518-1482

Methods of Payment

Preferred Method: ACH Transfer via Website

Using ACH transfer results in dramatically reduced fees for Diane/Dr. Hughes. You will need to notify Diane/Dr. Hughes of what you intend to pay and when so she can write a receipt for our secure record keeping. Simply enter the amount you wish to pay and press Pay Now. The website will then ask you for your payment information.

Backup Method: Credit Card via Simple Practice Portal

If you need to pay with a credit card or health savings account card, you can use our secure online payment system.

Checks or money orders can be sent to the address below. 

830 Glenwood Ave, Suite 510-340
Atlanta, GA, 30316

If you have any technical or payment questions, you can contact the office support staff directly at:

Online Privacy Concerns

While we are spending more time communicating with you via email and other methods like text during this transition, please keep in mind that these methods are not secure and would not be normally allowed without your express permission.

Our payment forms do not generate an email receipt.

If you have any concerns with privacy at home or work regarding your treatment that may arise from these communications, please let us know so we can immediately stop using these insecure methods.

Thank you for your patience!